Anadrol 50mg x 50 Capsules



– The color of the capsules may be “white” depending on stock –

Oxymetholone, the chemical compound with the brand name Anadrol is an anabolic and androgenic steroid that is available in oral form and is one of the most well known and respected steroids in the bodybuilding, strength and powerlifting world.

Anadrol is useful in two main areas: starting off a bulking cycle, and for contest preparation where as an experienced user you want to fill out after a heavy diet and cutting cycle.
However for the average user, Anadrol is not going to be a cutting steroid because the effects are fast but short lived, so it is rather one that has its main use as a potent bulking compound.

Recommended doses:
Anadrol is a very simple steroid to take and does not require the stress and pain of injecting like most other compounds. A once daily dosage is the path that the majority of users take.

Most Anadrol tablets come in 50mg dosages, making it convenient to consume the optimal dosage of Anadrol which is considered to be either 50mg or 100mg daily.

More is not necessarily better when comes to Anadrol. Studies have shown that you can hit peak gains with a dosage of around 100mg daily, with gains falling after this amount while side effects increase.